
Technical answer

How to buy a digital mixer


In recent years, along with the development of digital audio technology, the price of digital mixing consoles tend to mass, quickly set off a tide of mixing console digital. In this trend, the major manufacturers continue to innovate, developed different levels, different forms of digital mixers.


    The homogenization of the function of the digital mixer is very obvious, the market has a large selection of digital mixers. The face of different brands, highly homogenized digital mixers, ordinary users are prone to selection difficulties. Usually users can only choose through horizontal comparison of functional characteristics, performance parameters, price, appearance and so on. How to buy a suitable digital mixer? Has become a question for many users. I suggest the following points to choose from.


    A look at the use of demand: digital mixer used in where? What functions need to be achieved?


    According to the scale of the sound reinforcement system, first determine the number of input and output channels needed. Mixer input and output channel number in addition to meet the normal work needs, but also consider a number of backup channels to adapt to the expansion of the system, temporary increase and work backup needs.

    In addition is to focus on considering the sound reinforcement system on the functional needs of the digital mixer. General mixing console features focused on audio processing and manipulation, such as channel gain, low cut, equalization, dynamic processing, channel grouping, effects, etc.. In addition, whether the need for USB playback, Bluetooth playback, headphone monitoring, iPad or cell phone wireless control.




Second look at the budget: according to the budget, choose a few to meet the needs of the use of digital mixers for horizontal comparison.


    Three look at the audio performance indicators, including: frequency response, total harmonic distortion, signal-to-noise ratio, gain, etc.. Excellent technical performance indicators is the primary criterion for the purchase of digital mixing consoles.

Frequency response

Frequency response is the basic audio parameters of all electro-acoustic equipment, refers to the amplitude of the range allowed in the audio system to replay the frequency range, and the amount of change in the signal within this range is called the frequency response, also known as frequency characteristics. For digital mixing console products, in the full frequency range (20Hz-20 kHz) with a flat frequency response, and its amplitude deviation within ± 1 dB. Can reach this standard means that the equipment is relatively well designed.


    2、Total harmonic distortion

Total harmonic distortion is the square root of the ratio of all harmonic energy to fundamental energy. Harmonic distortion is caused by the nonlinearity of the amplifier, the result of distortion is that the amplifier output produces the original signal without the harmonic component, so that the sound loses its original tone, and in serious cases the sound will be broken, harsh. The distortion degree of the demanding equipment should generally be below 0.05%.


    3、Signal to noise ratio

Signal-to-noise ratio refers to the ratio of signal to noise in an electronic device or electronic system, often expressed in decibels. The higher the signal-to-noise ratio of the equipment indicates that the less noise it generates. Generally speaking, the greater the signal-to-noise ratio, the smaller the noise mixed in the signal, the higher the sound quality of the sound playback, otherwise the opposite.


Maximum gain

Gain is a parametric measure of signal amplification performance. The ratio of the output and input volume for the amplification, after taking the logarithm of the number of decibels that gain. The maximum gain of the mixer, must have 60dB, a good digital mixer with 70dB.





Four to see if the operation is simple and convenient


    Mixer operation through a variety of potentiometers and switch buttons, the main volume of each channel fader potentiometer operation is more frequent. Therefore, easy to operate, simple maintenance is an important condition for choosing a mixer.


    Overall, when buying a digital mixer, to fully consider the functions of the digital mixer, technical parameters, electronic components of the material and sound quality, must be comprehensive and constant, can not simply look at the function or look at the price.

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