
Technical answer


The basics of lighting technology

Light is the radiant energy that travels in the form of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic wave radiation has a wide range of wavelengths, only wavelengths in the 380 to 760nm of this part of the radiation to cause light vision, known as visible light. Wavelengths shorter than 380nm light is ultraviolet, x-rays, γ-rays; longer than 760nm light is infrared, radio waves, etc., they do not produce light vision to the human eye, that is, invisible. Therefore, light is an objective existence of e


You have to know the "theater classification guide

1.频率域的主观感觉 频率域中重要的主观感觉是音调,像响度一样音调也是一种听觉的主观心理量,它是听觉判断声音调门高低的属性。 心理学中的音调和音乐中音阶之间的区别是,前者是纯音的音调,而后者是音乐这类复合声音的音调。复合声音的音调不单纯是频率解析,也是听觉神经系统的作用,受到听音者听音经验和学习的影响。


13 laws and effects in audio tuning technology

1.频率域的主观感觉 频率域中重要的主观感觉是音调,像响度一样音调也是一种听觉的主观心理量,它是听觉判断声音调门高低的属性。 心理学中的音调和音乐中音阶之间的区别是,前者是纯音的音调,而后者是音乐这类复合声音的音调。复合声音的音调不单纯是频率解析,也是听觉神经系统的作用,受到听音者听音经验和学习的影响。


What is the reason for the imbalance in the sound of the left and right channel speakers? How to solve?

1, the left and right channel speaker speaker sensitivity is not consistent, can be adjusted by adjusting the left and right channel output level of each way, so that the speaker sound close to the same. 2, the left and right channel output power signal imbalance, you can left and right channel on the input and output gain of various devices tuned to approximately the same indicator value. 3, often the average volume level of the sound source left and right channel is different, the speaker so


How to buy a digital mixer

The homogenization of the function of the digital mixer is very obvious, there are many choices of digital mixers on the market. The face of different brands, highly homogenized digital mixers, ordinary users are prone to selection difficulties. Usually users can only choose through horizontal comparison of functional characteristics, performance parameters, price, appearance and so on. How to buy a suitable digital mixer? Has become a question for many users. I suggest the following points to c

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