
Project Case

Hebei Jingzhou Grand Theatre




Guangzhou Yunqiang Electronics Co. participated in the overall audio system program planning, design and implementation process of the Grand Theatre. This project takes into account the overall structure of the venue and the performance of theater, drama, opera, song and dance, opera, music and other cultural entertainment, and mainly adopts the LA series performance line array in the way of sound design delivery.


The main speaker array of the Grand Theatre uses LA series speakers, left and right groups of six LA208 with a subwoofer LA208A speakers, in order to enable the audience of 1600 seats can hear a clear, natural and smooth sound.


We also suspended two LA208 on each side of the stage entrance to take care of the most two sides of the audience hall position. The LA208 loudspeaker cooperates with the left and right channels for better sound coverage. Dynamic part of the use of six W218, the program in the form of large dynamic performance uncompromising interpretation of the ultra-low frequency coverage of the whole scene.


Finally, in order to take care of the audition feeling of the audience in the back row, the audience after the installation of a dozen DK12 loudspeakers as a complementary sound use, and the system according to the sound reinforcement equipment were used D series, A series, 4-channel P series power amplifier, to ensure the stability of the system. After several tests and debugging, the final presentation to the audience and actors an overall uniformity and consistency of sound. And to meet the national standards of cultural performances class sound reinforcement system level 1 standard.


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